
[This survey closed on November 30 and we are currently reviewing the data. Thank you for your responses!]

Hello! How are you? How are we doing? We would honestly like to know. So we have designed a brief survey. This is open for members and friends!

Please take a moment or two to respond to the survey, which may be found here:

In no more than 10 questions, we are looking for feedback about the events and programming we have and will continue to offer. Our chapter is as good as we, the membership, make it. And if you are not a member, we would like to know what would encourage you to be one, or participate as an occasional guest non-member, which is sometimes a better option for individuals for various reasons.

In addition to your national membership, benefits of chapter membership include preferential notice of ticketed events, and access to behind-the-scenes events with limitations of capacity.

(Did you know that some of us are even members of multiple chapters due to desire to attend other chapters’ workshops and events, and to stay in better touch? You can check out other regional chapters’ activity by looking at the blogroll sidebar of websites on our very own website, linked below.)